Creating Packages

Creating a Masonite Package


Creating packages is very simple for Masonite. You can get a package created and on PyPi is less than 5 minutes. With Masonite packages you'll easily be able to integrate and scaffold all Masonite projects with ease. Masonite comes with several helper functions in order to create packages that can add configuration files, routes, controllers, views and commands.

Getting Started

As a developer, you will be responsible for both making packages and consuming packages. In this documentation we'll talk about both. We'll start by talking about how to make a package and then talk about how to use that package or other third party packages.

Masonite, being a Python framework, can obviously utilize all Python packages that aren’t designed for a specific framework. For example, Masonite can obviously use a library like requests but can’t use Django Rest Framework.

Similarly to how Django Rest Framework was built for Django, you can also build packages specific to Masonite.

About Packages

There are several key functions that Masonite uses in order to create applications. These include primarily: routes, controllers, views, and craft commands. Creating a package is simple and conveniently Masonite comes with several helper functions in order to create all of these. The developer using your package just needs to run craft publish your-package-name and your package can scaffold out their application for them.

You do not have to use this functionality and instead have the developer copy and paste things that they need but having great setup process is a great way to promote developer happiness.

Creating a Package

Like other parts of Masonite, in order to make a package, we can use a craft command. The craft package command will scaffold out a simple Masonite package and is fully able to be uploaded directly to PyPi.

This should be done in a separate folder outside of your project.

Let's create our package:

$ craft package testpackage

This will create a file structure like:


The file is important and should not be removed. This is the file that will be used when our users use the craft publish command.

If we open this file we'll notice a single boot() function. Whenever the user (the developer using Masonite) uses the craft publish testpackage command, craft will execute testpackage.integration.boot() so it's wise to load anything you want to be executed on in this function.

You'll notice a helper function imported for you at the top. This create_or_append_config() function does exactly what it says. It will take a config file from your package and put it into the project by either creating it (if it does not exist) or appending it (if it does exist). We'll talk about helper functions later on.

Creating a Config Package

Lets create a simple package that will add or append a config file from our package and into the project.

First lets create a config file inside testpackage/snippets/configs/ We should now have a project structure like:


Great! inside the lets put a configuration setting:

    'stripe': {
        'some key': 'some value',
        'another key': 'another value'

Perfect! Now we'll just need to tell PyPi to include this file when we upload it to PyPi. We can do this in our file.

include testpackage/snippets/configs/*

Almost done. Now we just need to put our masonite.package helper function in our boot file. The location we put in our create_or_append_config() function should be an absolute path location to our package. To do this, Masonite has put a variable called package_directory inside our file. Our boot method should look something like:

def boot():
            package_directory, 'snippets/configs/'

This will append the configuration file that has the same name as our package configuration file. In this case the configuration file we are creating or appending to is config/ because our packages configuration file is If we want to append to another configuration file we can simply change the name of our package configuration file.

Working With Our Package

We can either test our package locally or upload our package to PyPi.

To test our package locally, if you use virtual environments, just go to your Masonite project and activate your virtual environment. Navigate to the folder where you created your package and run:

$ pip install .

If you want to be able to make changes without having to constantly reinstall your package then run

$ pip install --editable .

This will install your new package into your virtual environment. Go back to your project root so we can run our craft publish command. If we run craft publish testpackage we should get a module not found error.

It's important to note that craft publish does not have access to your virtual environment by default, only your system packages. What we can do is add our virtual environments site_packages directory to our config/ config file which should look something like:


This will take that path and add it to the sys.path for the craft publish script.

Now if we run craft publish we should see that our new configuration file is now in config/ file. Awesome! We tried making package support super easy. You of course don't need to integrate directly or scaffold the project but the option is there if you choose to make a package to do so.

Uploading to PyPi

If you have never set up a package before then you'll need to check how to make a .pypirc file. This file will hold our PyPi credentials.

To upload to PyPi we just have to pick a great name for our package in the file. Now that you have a super awesome name, we'll just need to run:

$ python sdist upload

which should upload our package with our credentials in our .pypirc file. Make sure you click the link above and see how to make once.

If python doesn’t default to Python 3 or if PyPi throws errors than you may need to run:

$ python3 sdist upload

Consuming a package.

Now that your package is on PyPi we can just run:

$ pip install super_awesome_package
$ craft publish super_awesome_package

Again, not all packages will need to be published. Only packages that need to scaffold the project. You will know if a package needs to be published by reading the packages install documentation.

Helper Functions

These helper functions are used inside the boot function and are only needed when you need your package to be published.

The location specified as parameters here are absolute path locations. You can achieve this by using the package_directory variable in your file.

To achieve an absolute path location, this will look like:

location = os.path.join(
            package_directory, 'snippets/configs/'


All helper functions are located in the masonite.packages module. To use these functions you’ll need to import the function to be used like:

from masonite.packages import create_or_append_config

create_or_append_config(location) will create a configuration file based on a configuration file from your package.

append_web_routes(location) will append web routes to the routes/ file. Your web routes should have a += to the ROUTES constant and should look something like:

    # your package routes here

append_api_routes(location) will append api routes to a masonite project under routes/ Your api routes should have a += to the ROUTES constant and should look something like:

    # your package routes here

create_controller(location) will take a controller from your package and append it under the app.http.controllers namespace.

Last updated