The Craft Command

The Craft Command


The craft command tool is a powerful developer tool that lets you quickly scaffold your project with models, controllers and views as well as condense nearly everything down to it’s simplest form via the craft namespace.

For example, In Django you may need to do something like:

$ django-admin startproject
$ python runserver
$ python migrate

The craft tool condenses all commonly used commands into its own namespace

$ craft new
$ craft serve
$ craft migrate

All scaffolding of Masonite can be done manually (manually creating a controller and importing the view function for example) but the craft command tool is used for speeding up development and cutting down on mundane development time.


The possible commands for craft include:

Creating an Authentication System

To create an authentication system with a login, register and a dashboard system, just run:

 $ craft auth

This command will create several new templates, controllers and routes so you don’t need to create an authentication system from scratch, although you can. If you need a custom authentication system, this command will scaffold the project for you so you can go into these new controllers and change them how you see fit.

These new controllers are not apart of the framework itself but now apart of your project. Do not look at editing these controllers as editing the framework source code.

Creating Controllers

If you wish to scaffold a controller, just run:

$ craft controller

This command will create a new controller under app/http/controller. By convention, all controllers should have an appended “Controller”. For example in order to make a dashboard controller, you should run craft controller DashboardController and not craft controller Dashboard although you can name your controllers however you like.

Creating a New Project

If you’d like to start a new project, you can run:

$ craft new project_name

This will download a zip file of the MasoniteFramework/masonite repository and unzip it into your current working directory. This command will default to the latest release of the repo.

You may also specify some options. The --version option will create a new project depending on the releases from the MasoniteFramework/masonite repository.

$ craft new project_name --version 1.3.0

Or you can specify the branch you would like to create a new project with:

$ craft new project_name --branch develop

After you have created a new project, you will have a requirements.txt file with all of the projects dependencies. In addition to this file, you will also have a .env-example file which contains a boiler plate of a .env file. In order to install the dependencies, as well as copy the example environment file to a .env file, just run:

$ craft install

The craft install command will also run craft key --store as well which generates a secret key and places it in the .env file.

Creating Migrations

All frameworks have a way to create migrations in order to manipulate database tables. Masonite uses a little bit of a different approach to migrations than other Python frameworks and makes the developer edit the migration file. This is the command to make a migration for an existing table:

$ craft migration name_of_migration —-table users

If you are creating a migration for a table that does not exist yet which the migration will create it, you can pass the --create flag like so:

$ craft migration name_of_migration --create users

These two flags will create slightly different types of migrations.


After your migrations have been created, edited, and are ready for migrating, we can now migrate them into the database. To migrate all of your unmigrated migrations, just run:

$ craft migrate

You can also refresh and rollback all of your migrations and remigrate them. This will basically rebuild your entire database.

$ craft migrate:refresh

You can also rollback all migrations without remigrating

$ craft migrate:reset

Lastly, you can rollback just the last set of migrations you tried migrating

$ craft migrate:rollback


If you'd like to create a model, you can run:

$ craft model ModelName

This will scaffold a model under app/ModelName and import everything needed.

If you need to create a model in a specific folder starting from the app folder, then just run:

$ craft model Models/ModelName

This will create a model in app/Models/

Creating a Service Provider

Service Providers are a really powerful feature of Masonite. If you'd like to create your own service provider, just run:

$ craft provider DashboardProvider

This will create a file at app/providers/

Read more about Service Providers under the Service Provider documentation.

Creating a Job

Jobs are used for Masonite's queue systems. You can create these Queueable classes and they will be able to be loaded into different queues. To create a job, run:

$ craft job JobName

This will create a job inside the app/jobs directory.

Creating Views

Views are simply html files located in resources/templates and can be created easily from running the command:

$ craft view blog

This command will create a template at resources/templates/blog.html

You can also create a view deeper inside the resources/templates directory.

$ craft view auth/home

This will create a view under resources/templates/auth/home.html but keep in mind that it will not create the directory for you. If the auth directory does not exist, this command will fail.

Creating Jobs

Jobs are designed to be loaded into queues. We can take time consuming tasks and throw them inside of a Job. We can then use this Job to push to a queue to speed up the performance of our application and prevent bottlenecks and slowdowns.

$ craft job SendWelcomeEmail

Jobs will be put inside the app/jobs directory. See the Queues and Jobs documentation for more information.


You may create a PyPi package with an added file which is specific to Masonite. You can learn more about packages by reading the Creating Packages documentation. To create a package boilerplate, just run:

$ craft package name_of_package


Packages that are built specifically for Masonite in mind will typically support publishing commands. Publishing commands are a way that packages can scaffold and integrate into Masonite. Publishing commands can allow third parties to: create or append to configuration files, create controllers, create routes and other integrations. Read more about publishing by reading our Publishing Packages documentation. To publish a package just run:

$ craft publish name_of_package

Running the WSGI Server

You can run the WSGI server by simply running:

$ craft serve


Masonite comes with a way to encrypt data and by default, encrypts all cookies set by the framework. Masonite uses a key to encrypt and decrypt data. Read the Encryption documentation for more information on encryption.

To generate a secret key, we can run:

$ craft key

This will generate a 32 bit string which you can paste into your .env file under the KEY setting.

You may also pass the --store flag which will automatically add the key to your .env file:

$ craft key --store

This command is ran whenever you run craft install

Great! You are now a master at the craft command line tool.

Last updated