Part 1 - Creating Our First Route

Getting Started

All routes are located in routes/ and are extremely simple to understand. They consist of a request method and a route method. For example, to create a GET request it will look like:

Get().route('/url', 'Controller@method')

We'll talk about the controller in a little bit.

You can read more about routes in the Routing documentation

Creating our Route:

We will start off by creating a view and controller to create a blog post.

A controller is a simple class that holds controller methods. These controller methods will be what our routes will call so they will contain all of our application logic.

Let's create our first route now. We can put all routes inside routes/ and inside the ROUTES list. You'll see we have a route for the home page. Let's add a route for creating blogs.

    Get().route('/', 'WelcomeController@show').name('welcome'),

    # Blog
    Get().route('/blog', 'BlogController@show')

You'll notice here we have a BlogController@show string. This means "use the blog controller's show method to render this route". The only problem here is that we don't yet have a blog controller.

Let's create the BlogController in the next step: Part 2 - Creating Our First Controller

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