

Masonite comes with some authentication out of the box but leaves it up to the developer to implement. Everything is already configured for you by default. The default authentication model is the app/User model but you can change this in the config/ configuration file.


There is only a single config/ configuration file which you can use to set the authentication behavior of your Masonite project. If you wish to change the authentication model, to a app/Company model for example, feel free to do in this configuration file.

Authentication Model

Again the default authentication model is the app/User model which out of the box comes with a __auth__ class attribute. This attribute should be set to the column that you want to authenticate with. By default your app/User model will default to the email column but if you wish to change this to another column such as name, you can do so here. This will lead your model to look like:

class User(Model):

    __fillable__ = ['name', 'email', 'password']

    __auth__ = 'name'

Authenticating a Model

If you want to authenticate a model, you can use the Auth facade that ships with Masonite. This is simply a class that is used to authenticate models with a .login() method.

In order to authenticate a model this will look like:

from masonite.facades.Auth import Auth

def show(self, Request):
    Auth(Request).login('', 'password')

This will find a model with the supplied username, check if the password matches using bcrypt and return the model. If it is not found or the password does not match, it will return False.

Again all authenticating models need to have a password column. The column being used to authenticate, such as a username or email field can be specified in the model using the __auth__ class attribute.

Changing The Authentication Field

You may change the column to be authenticated by simply changing the column value of the __auth__ class attribute. This will look something like:

class User(Model):

    __fillable__ = ['name', 'email', 'password']

    __auth__ = 'email'

This will look inside the email column now and check that column and password. The authentication column is email by default.

Using Authentication

Retrieving the Authenticated User

Masonite ships with a LoadUser middleware that will load the user into the request if they are authenticated. Masonite uses the token cookie in order to retrieve the user using the remember_tokencolumn in the table.

Using this LoadUser middleware you can retrieve the current user using:

def show(self, Request):

If you wish not to use middleware to load the user into the request you can get the request by again using the Auth class

from masonite.facades.Auth import Auth

def show(self, Request):

Checking if the User is Authenticated

If you would like to simply check if the user is authenticated, Request.user() or Auth(Request).user() will return False if the user is not authenticated. This will look like:

def show(self, Request):
    if Request.user():
        user_email = Request.user().email

Logging In By ID

Sometimes in your application you may want to sign in a user without the need for a username and password. This can be used on the administrative end of your application to login to other user's accounts to verify information.

def show(self, Auth, Request):

This will login the user with the ID of 1 and skip over the username and password verification completely.

Logging In Once

All logging in methods will set a cookie in the user's browser which will then be verified on subsequent requests. Sometimes you may just want to login the user "once" which will authenticate the user but not set any cookies. We can use the once() method for this. This method can be used with all the previous methods by calling it first

def show(self, Auth, Request):
    # or 
    Auth(Request).once().login('', 'secret')

This will return an instance of the user model just authenticated or it will return False if the authentication failed. This method will not save state.

Logging Out a User

If you wish to end the session for the user and log them out, you can do so by using the Auth class. This looks like:


This will delete the cookie that was set when logging in. This will not redirect the user to where they need to go. A complete logout view might look like:

def logout(self, Request):
    return Request.redirect('/login')

Great! You’ve mastered how Masonite uses authentication. Remember that this is just out of the box functionality and you can create a completely different authentication system but this will suffice for most applications.

Protecting Routes

Masonite ships with an authentication middleware. You can use this middleware as a route middleware to protect certain routes from non authenticated users. This is great for redirecting users to a login page if they attempt to go to their dashboard.

You can use this middleware in your routes file like so:

Get().route('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@show').middleware('auth')

By default this will redirect to the route named login. If you wish to redirect the user to another route or to a different URI, you can edit the middleware in app/http/middleware/

Creating an Authentication System

You may of course feel free to roll your own authentication system if you so choose but Masonite comes with one out of the box but left out by default. In order to scaffold this authentication system you can of course use a craft command:

$ craft auth

This will create some controllers, views and routes for you. This command should be used primarily on fresh installs of Masonite but as long as the controllers do not have the same names as the controllers being scaffolded, you will not have any issues.

The views scaffolded will be located under resources/templates/auth.

After you have ran the craft auth command, just run the server and navigate to http://localhost:8000/login and you will now have a login, registration and dashboard. Pretty cool, huh?

Last updated