Part 8 - Updating and Deleting Posts

Getting Started

By now, all of the logic we have gone over so far will take you a long way so let's just finish up quickly with updating and deleting a posts. We'll assume you are comfortable with what we have learned so far so we will run through this faster since this is just more of what were in the previous parts.

Update Controller Method

Let's just make an update method on the PostController:

def update(self):
    post = Post.find(request().param('id'))
    return view('update', {'post': post})
def store(self):
    post = Post.find(request().param('id'))
    post.title = request().input('title')
    post.body = request().input('body')
    return 'post updated'

Since we are more comfortable with controllers we can go ahead and make two at once. We made one that shows a view that shows a form to update a post and then one that actually updates the post with the database.

Create The View

$ craft view update
<form action="/post/{{ }}/update" action="POST">
    {{ csrf_field|safe }}

    <label for="">Title</label>
    <input type="text" name="title"><br>

    <textarea name="body"></textarea><br>

    <input type="submit" value="Update">

Create The Routes:

Remember we made 2 controller methods so let's attach them to a route here:

Get().route('/post/@id/update', 'PostController@update'),
Post().route('/post/@id/update', 'PostController@store'),

That should be it! We can now update our posts.

Delete Method

Let's expand a bit and made a delete method.

def delete(self):
    post = Post.find(request().param('id'))
    return 'post deleted'

Make the route:

Get().route('/post/@id/delete', 'PostController@delete'),

Notice we used a GET route here, It would be much better to use a POST method but for simplicity sake will assume you can create one by now. We will just add a link to our update method which will delete the post.

Update the Template

We can throw a delete link right inside our update template:

<form action="/post/{{ }}/update" action="POST">
    {{ csrf_field|safe }}

    <label for="">Title</label>
    <input type="text" name="title"><br>

    <textarea name="body"></textarea><br>

    <input type="submit" value="Update">
    <a href="/post/{{ }}/delete"> Delete </a>

Great! You now have a blog that you can use to create, view, update and delete posts! Go on to create amazing things!

Last updated