Hash ID's


The Hash ID Masonite essential feature is design for you to easily be able to screen your ID's in your URL's while being able to automatically decode them before they reach your controller method.

For example we can encode a value like 10 and get back l9avmeG. When we pass this value into our endpoint like /dashboard/user/l9avmeG, we get back the correct value in our controller:

from masonite.request import Request

class SomeController:
    # Route: /dashboard/user/@id
    # URL: /dashboard/user/l9avmeG
    def show(self, request: Request):
        request.input('id') #== 10

This is very useful for hiding primary ID's and this package makes it very simple to do so.


This package requires:

  • Masonite 2.0+

You can install the required dependencies for the Hash ID feature by running:

$ pip install masonite-essentials[hashids]


Once you have it installed you can then add a middleware and a Service Provider


You can add the middleware in your config/middleware.py file:

from masonite.contrib.essentials.middleware import HashIDMiddleware

Service Provider

You also need to add the Service Provider as well:

from masonite.contrib.essentials.providers import HashIDProvider

    # Framework Providers
    # Third Party Providers

Great. Once you do those 2 things you are ready to get started.



In your views you can use the Hash ID template helper which was added when you added the Service Provider. We can use this like so:

{% for user in users %}
    <a href="/dashboard/user/{{ hashid(user.id) }}">User</a>
    <!-- Generates /dashboard/user/l9avmeG -->
{% endfor %}


This feature is designed to be transparent. When the middleware method runs it will check all the request inputs and try to decode them. It will insert the decoded values back into the request input and ignore anything it could not correctly decode.

You can get the inputs like normal:

from masonite.request import Request

class SomeController:
    # Route: /dashboard/user/@id
    # URL: /dashboard/user/l9avmeG
    def show(self, request: Request):
        request.param('id') #== 10


This also works for inputs so if you have an endpoint like /dashboard/user?id=l9avmeG then you can still get the correct value by using input().

from masonite.request import Request

class SomeController:
    # Route: /dashboard/user
    # URL: /dashboard/user?id=l9avmeG
    def show(self, request: Request):
        request.input('id') #== 10


You can also encode values yourself by importing the essentials helper:

from masonite.request import Request
from masonite.contrib.essentials.helpers import hashid

class SomeController:
    def show(self):
        hashid(10) #== l9avmeG


You have a few options for decoding. You can decode a normal string that you previously encoded by passing in the decode keyword.

from masonite.contrib.essentials.helpers import hashid

class SomeController:
    def show(self):
        hashid('l9avmeG', decode=True) #== l9avmeG

You can also pass in a dictionary of values to decode. This helper will try to decode each one and insert the correct value. It will skip the ones it cannot decode.

from masonite.contrib.essentials.helpers import hashid

class SomeController:
    def show(self):
        values = {'id': 'l9avmeG': 'name': 'Joe'}
        hashid(values, decode=True) #== {'id': '10': 'name': 'Joe'}

This is actually what is happening under the hood of the feature.

Last updated