Masonite 1.3


Masonite 1.3 comes with a plethora of improvements over previous versioning. This version brings new features such as Queue and Mail drivers as well as various bug fixes.

Fixed infinite redirection

Previously when a you tried to redirect using the Request.redirect() method, Masonite would sometimes send the browser to an infinite redirection. This was because masonite was not resetting the redirection attributes of the Request class.

Fixed browser content length

Previously the content length in the request header was not being set correctly which led to the gunicorn server showing a warning that the content length did not match the content of the output.

Changed how request input data is retrieved

Previously the Request class simply got the input data on both POST and GET requests by converting the wsgi.input WSGI parameter into a string and parsing. All POST input data is now retrieved using FieldStorage which adds support for also getting files from multipart/formdata requests.

Added Upload drivers

You may now simply upload images to both disk and Amazon S3 storage right out of the box. With the new UploadProvider service provider you can simply do something like:

      <form action="/upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/formdata">
        <input type="file" name="file">
def show(self, Upload):'file'))

As well as support for Amazon S3 by setting the DRIVER to s3.

Added several helper functions

These helper functions are added functions to the builtin Python functions which can be used by simply calling them as usual:

def show(self):
    return view('welcome')

Notice how we never imported anything from the module or Service Container. See the Helper Functions documentation for a more exhaustive list

Added a way to have global template variables

Very often you will want to have a single variable accessible in all of your views, such as the Request object or other class. We can use the new View class for this and put it in it's own service provider:

def boot(self, View, Request):
    View.share({'request': Request})

Middleware is now resolved by the container

You can now specify anything that is in the container in your middleware constructor and it will be resolved automatically from the container

Added new domain method to the Get and Post classes

Specify the subdomain you want to target with your route. It's common to want to have separate routes for your public site and multi-tenant sites. This will now look something like:

Get().domain('test').route('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@show')

Which will target and not Read more about subdomains in the Routing documentation.

Added new module method to Get and Post routes

By default, masonite will look for routes in the app/http/controllers namespace but you can change this for individual routes:

Get().module('thirdpary.routes').route('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@show')

This will look for the controller in the thirdparty.routes module.

Added Queues and Jobs

Masonite now ships with a QueueManager class which can be used to build queue drivers. Masonite ships with an async driver which sends jobs to a background thread. These queues can process Jobs which ca be created with the new craft job command. See the Queues and Jobs documentation for more information.

Last updated