

You'll find yourself needing to add temporary data to an individual user. Sessions allow you to do this by adding a key value pair and attaching it to the user's IP address. You can reset the session data anytime you want; which is usually done on logout or login actions.

The Session features are added to the framework through the SessionProvider Service Provider. This provider needs to be between the AppProvider and the RouteProvider. For Masonite 1.5+, this provider is already available for you.

It's important to note that the Session will default to the memory driver. This means that all session data is stored in an instantiated object when the server starts and is destroyed when the server stops. This is not good when using a WSGI server like Gunicorn which might use multiple workers because each worker will create it's own memory state and requests may jump from worker to worker unpredictably. If you are only using 1 worker then this won't be an issue as long as the worker doesn't die and reset for the duration of the server's life. In this case you should use another driver that doesn't have the memory issue like the cookie driver which will store all session information as cookies instead of in memory.

Getting Started

There are a two ideas behind sessions. There is session data and flash data. Session data is any data that is persistent for the duration of the session and flash data is data that is only persisted on the next request. Flash data is useful for showing things like success or warning messages after a redirection.

Session data is automatically encrypted and decrypted using your secret key when using the cookie driver.

Using Sessions

Sessions are loaded into the container with the Session key. So you may access the Session class in any part of code that is resolved by the container. These include controllers, drivers, middleware etc:

def show(self, request: Request):
    print(Session) # Session class

Setting Data

Data can easily be persisted to the current user by using the set method. If you are using the memory driver, it will connect the current user's IP address to the data. If you are using the cookie then it will simply set a cookie with a s_ prefix to notify that it is a session and allows better handling of session cookies compared to other cookies.

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.set('key', 'value')

This will update a dictionary that is linked to the current user.

Using Dictionaries

You can also set a dictionary as a session value and it will automatically JSON encode and decode as you set and get the key:

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.set('key', {'key', 'value'})

When you get the key from the session it will turn it back into a dictionary.

You can use it on flash as well:

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.flash('key', {'key', 'value'})

Getting Data

Data can be pulled from the session:

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.get('key') # Returns 'value'

Checking Data

Very often, you will want to see if a value exists in the session:

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.has('key') # Returns True

Getting all Data

You can get all data for the current user:

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.all() # Returns {'key': 'value'}

Flashing Data

Data can be inserted only for the next request. This is useful when using redirection and displaying a success message.

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.flash('success', 'Your action is successful')

When using the cookie driver, the cookie will automatically be deleted after 2 seconds of being set.

Changing Drivers

You can of course change the drivers on the fly by using the SessionManager key from the container:

from masonite.managers import SessionManager
def show(self, session: SessionManager):
    session.driver('cookie').set('key', 'value')

It's important to note that changing the drivers will not change the session() function inside your templates (more about templates below).


The SessionProvider comes with a helper method that is automatically injected into all templates. You can use the session helper just like you would use the Session class.

This helper method will only point to the default driver set inside config/ file. It will not point to the correct driver when it is changed using the SessionManager class. If you need to use other drivers, consider passing in a new function method through your view or changing the driver value inside config/

{% if session().has('success') %}
    <div class="alert alert-success">
        {{ session().get('success') }}
{% endif %}

You could use this to create a simple Jinja include template that can show success, warning or error messages. Your template could be located inside a resources/templates/helpers/messages.html:

{% if session().has('success') %}

    <div class="alert alert-success">
        {{ session().get('success') }}

{% elif session().has('warning') %}

    <div class="alert alert-warning">
        {{ session().get('warning') }}

{% elif session().has('danger') %}

    <div class="alert alert-danger">
        {{ session().get('danger') }}

{% endif %}

Then inside your working template you could add:

{% include 'helpers/messages.html' %}

Then inside your controller you could do something like:

def show(self):
    return request().redirect('/dashboard') \
        .session.flash('success', 'Action Successful!')

or as separate statements

def show(self, request: Request):
    request.session.flash('success', 'Action Successful!')

    return request().redirect('/dashboard')

Which will show the correct message and message type.

Resetting Data

You can reset both the flash data and the session data through the reset method.

To reset just the session data:

def show(self, request: Request):

Or to reset only the flash data:

def show(self, request: Request):

Last updated