Package Development


Creating packages is very simple for Masonite. You can create a package and publish it on PyPi in less than 5 minutes. With Masonite packages you will scaffold and centralize some features to reuse it all your Masonite projects with ease. Masonite comes with several helper functions in order to create packages which can add configuration files, routes, controllers, views, commands, migrations and more.

As a developer, you will be responsible for both making packages and consuming packages. In this documentation we'll talk about both. We'll start by talking about how to make a package and then talk about how to use that package or other third party packages.

You can browse Masonite packages (official and community) on: (alpha version).

Masonite, being a Python framework, you can obviously use all Python packages that aren’t designed for a specific framework. For example, you can obviously use a library like requests but you can’t use specific Django Rest Framework.

Package Discovery

Package providers are the connection between your package and Masonite. A service provider is responsible for binding things into Masonite container and specifying from where to load package resources such as views, configuration, routes and assets.

Your Masonite project will discover packages through the PROVIDERS list defined in your configuration file. When a package provider is added to this list, this will allow additional bindings, commands, views, routes, migrations and assets to be registered in your project.

Keep in mind that some simple packages do not need to register resources in your project though.

Creating a Package

Package Scaffolding

We provide two ways to quickly scaffold your package layout:


The starter-package is just a GitHub template so you only have to click Use this template to create your own GitHub repository scaffolded with the default package layout and then clone your repository to start developing locally.

cookiecutter template

The cookiecutter template is using cookiecutter package to scaffold your package with configuration options (name, author, url...). The advantages is that you won't need to edit all the occurences of your package name after generation.

Install cookiecutter globally (or locally) on your computer:

$ pip install cookiecutter

Then you just have to run (in the directory where you want your package repository to be created):

$ cookiecutter

You can now start developing your package !

Development process

Creating and activating your virtual environment

There are man ways to create a virtual environment in Python but here is a simple way to do it:

$ python3 -m venv venv

Activating your virtual environment on Mac and Linux is simple:

$ source venv/bin/activate

or if you are on Windows:

$ ./venv/Scripts/activate

Initializing your environment

The default package layout contains a Makefile that help getting started quickly. You just have to run:

$ make init

This will install Masonite, development tools such as flake8 and pytest and it will also install your package locally so that you can start using and testing it in the test project directly.

Running the tests

Now you can run the tests to make sure everything is working properly:

$ python -m pytest

The default package layout come with one basic test. You should see this test passing. You can then start building your package and adding more unit tests.

Running the test project

The default package layout comes with a test project located in tests/integrations. This project is really useful to directly test your package behaviour. It is scaffolded as a default Masonite project with your package already installed (see Installing a Package section). You can run the project with the usual command:

$ python craft serve

You can then visit http://localhost:8000 to see the welcome page.

Migrating the test project

If your package has migrations and you want to migrate your test project you should first register your migrations, publish them and then run the usual migrate command:

$ masonite-orm migrate -d tests/integrations/databases/migrations

Releasing the package

Once you're satisfied with your package it's time to release it on PyPi so that everyone can install it. We made it really easy to do this with the make commands.

Registering on PyPi

If you never uploaded a package on PyPi before you will need to register. Verify your email address.

Creating a publish token

API tokens provide an alternative way (instead of username and password) to authenticate when uploading packages to PyPI. It is is strongly recommended to use an API token where possible.

Go to your PyPi account and find the API tokens section. Click on Add API token, give a significant name such as publish-token and create the token. Write down the token key somewhere for later.

Configuring PyPi on your computer

If you never uploaded a package on PyPi before you will need to configure PyPi on your computer. For this you will need to add a .pypirc file in your home directory. If you do not have one then you can easily creating one using:

$ make pypirc

This will move the file to your home directory. If you are using Windows you may need to move this file manually.

Then fill in password key with the token you created later prefixed by pypi-. With a token starting with AgEIcHlwaS5vcmcCJGNjYjA4M... the .pypirc file would look like:

index-servers =


Publishing the package to PyPI

Now you're ready to upload your package to PyPI. Ensure that all parameters of file are up to date. It's the file describing your package. Fill in the correct version number you want to publish. When ready you can run:

$ make publish

This will install twine if not installed yet, build the package, upload it to PyPi and delete the build artifacts. You should then see a success message and be able to browse your package on PyPi.

You should always check that the package name is available on PyPi and that the version number to publish has not been published before. Else you won't be able to publish your package.

Make the package available on masonite packages list

To make your package available on (alpha version) you need to add Framework :: Masonite classifier in

        "Framework :: Masonite",

You can find more information on the website FAQ.

Registering Resources

When developing a package you might need to use a configuration file, to add migrations, routes and controllers or views. All those resources can be located in your package but at one point a user might want to override it and will need to publish those resources locally in its project.

The following section will explain how to register those resources in your package to be used in a Masonite project and how to make those resources publishable.

Masonite makes it really easy to do this by creating a specific package provider that will register your package resources. The default package layout comes with such a provider inheriting from PackageProvider class:

# providers/
from masonite.packages import PackageProvider

class SuperAwesomeProvider(PackageProvider):

    def configure(self):

    def boot(self):

configure() method is called in usual register() method and is used to register all resources used in your package.

root(import_path) method should be called first and is used to specify the import path of your package. If your package needs to be used like this:

from super_awesome_package.providers import SuperAwesomeProvider

Then super_awesome_package is the import path of your package. If your package is imported like this:

from masonite.inertia.providers import InertiaProvider

Then masonite.inertia is the import path of your package.

name(string) method should be called in second and is used to specify the name of your package (not the PyPi package name neither the Python module name) but the name that will be used to reference your package in the publish command or in the resources paths (it should be a name without special characters and spaces i.e. a Python valid name). This will also be the name of your package configuration file.


Your package is likely to have a configuration file. You will want to make your package configuration available through the handy config() Masonite helper. For this you will need to call config(path, publish=False) inside configure() method:

def configure(self):

This will load the package configuration file located at super_awesome_package/config/ into Masonite config. The configuration will then be available with config("super_awesome.key").

If you want to allow users to publish the configuration file into their own project you should add publish=True argument.

def configure(self):
        .config("config/", publish=True)

The package publish command will publish the configuration into the defined project configuration folder. With the default project settings it would be in config/


If your package contains migrations you can register the migration files to be published in a project:

def configure(self):
        .migrations("migrations/", "migrations/")

The package publish command will publish the migrations files into the defined project migrations folder. With the default project settings it would be in databases/migrations/. Migrations file are published with a timestamp, so here it would result in those two files: {timestamp} and {timestamp}

Routes / Controllers

If your package contains routes you can register them by providing your route files and the locations to load controllers (used by your routes) from. For this you will need to call controllers(*locations) and then routes(*routes) inside configure() method.

If your routes are defined in super_awesome_package/routes/ and super_awesome_package/routes/ and the controllers files available in super_awesome_package/controllers you can do:

def configure(self):
        .controllers("controllers") # before routes !
        .routes("routes/", "routes/")

Now Masonite should be able to resolve new routes from your packages.


If your package contains views you can register them by providing folders containing your views. For this you will need to call views(*folders, publish=False) inside configure() method. The views will be namespaced after your package name:

For example if your package contains an admin folder located at super_awesome_package/admin/ containing a index.html view you can do:

def configure(self):

Views will be available in controllers under a namespace. Use your_package_name:template to reference your view:

class ProjectController(Controller):

    def index(self, view: View):
        return view.render("super_awesome:admin.index")

If you want to allow users to publish the view file into their own project so they can tweak them you should add publish=True argument. The package publish command will publish the views files into the defined project views folder. With the default project settings it would be in templates/vendor/super_awesome/admin/index.html.


If your project contains assets (such as JS, CSS or images files) you can register them to be published in the project by calling assets(*paths) inside configure() method.

For example if your package contains an assets folder located at super_awesome_package/assets/ containing some asset files and folders you can do:

def configure(self):

The package publish command will publish the assets into the defined project resources folder. With the default project settings it would be in resources/vendor/super_awesome/.


If your project contains commands you will want to register it when your package is installed in a project so that we can run python craft my_package_command. For this you will need to call commands(*command_class) inside configure() method.

from ..commands import MyPackageCommand, AnOtherCommand

def configure(self):
        .commands(MyPackageCommand, AnOtherCommand)

Now when you run python craft you should see the two registered commands.

Publishing Resources

When using PackageProvider class to create your package service provider, you will be able to publish all package resources defined below in a project. You just need to run the command package:publish with the name of the package (declared inside configure() method). With our example it would be:

$ python craft package:publish super_awesome

If you want to publish some specific resources only, you can use --resources flag:

$ python craft package:publish super_awesome --resources config,views

Here this will only publish configuration and views into your project.

Finally if you want to check what resources a package can publish you just need to run:

$ python craft package:publish super_awesome --dry

This will output the list of resources that the package is going to publish into your project.

Consuming a Package

If the package has been released on PyPi you need to install it as any Python package:

$ pip install super-awesome-package

Then you should follow package installation guidelines but often it will consist in:

from super_awesome_package.providers import SuperAwesomeProvider

  # ...
  • publishing some files if you need to tweak package resources or configuration:

$ python craft package:publish super-awesome-package

You should be ready to use the package in your project !

Last updated