
Masonite comes with a simple way to store sessions. Masonite supports the following session drivers: Cookie and Redis.


Session configuration is located at config/ file. In this file, you can configure which driver to use.

Masonite is configured to use the Cookie session driver by default, named cookie.

    "default": "cookie",
    "cookie": {},
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "password": "",
        "options": {"db": 1},  # redis module driver specific options
        "timeout": 60 * 60,
        "namespace": "masonite4",

Cookie driver will store all session data in the users cookies. It can be used as is.


Redis driver is requiring the redis python package, that you can install with:

pip install redis

Then you should define Redis as default driver and configure it with your Redis server parameters:

    "default": "redis",
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "password": "",
        "options": {"db": 1},  # redis module driver specific options
        "timeout": 60 * 60,
        "namespace": "masonite4",

Finally ensure that the Redis server is running and you're ready to start using sessions.

Saving Session Data

To save session data you can simply "set" data into the session:

from masonite.sessions import Session

def store(self, session: Session):
  data = session.set('key', 'value')

Flashing Data

Flash data is data specific to the next request. This is useful for data such as error messages or alerts:

from masonite.sessions import Session

def store(self, session: Session):
  data = session.flash('key', 'value')

Retrieving Session Data

To get back the session data you set you can simply using the "get" method:

from masonite.sessions import Session

def store(self, session: Session):
  data = session.get('key')

Checking For Existence

You can check if a session has a specific key:

from masonite.sessions import Session

def store(self, session: Session):
  if session.has('key'):

Deleting Session Data

You can also delete a key from the session

from masonite.sessions import Session

def store(self, session: Session):

Resetting the Session

You can reset all data in a session:


Last updated