Masonite 1.6


Masonite 1.6 brings mostly minor changes to the surface layer of Masonite. This release brings a lot of improvements to the engine of Masonite and sets up the framework for the release of 2.0.

HttpOnly Cookies

Previously, all cookies were set with an HttpOnly flag when setting cookies. This change came after reading several articles about how cookies can be read from Javascript libraries, which is fine, unless those Javascript libraries have been compromised which could lead to a malicious hacker sending your domain name and session cookies to a third party. There is no the ability to turn the HttpOnly flag off when setting cookies by creating cookies like:

request().cookie('key', 'value', http_only=False)

Moved Commands

Because craft is it's own tool essentially and it needs to work across Masonite versions, all commands have been moved into the Masonite repository itself. Now each version of Masonite maintains it's own commands. The new craft version is 2.0

pip install masonite-cli==2.0 --user

Drivers Can Now Change To Other Drivers

Before, you had to use the Manager class associated with a driver to switch a driver. For example:

def show(self, Upload, UploadManager): # default driver
    UploadManager.driver('s3').store(...) # switched drivers

Now you can switch drivers from the driver itself:

def show(self, Upload): # default driver
    Upload.driver('s3').store(...) # switched drivers

New Absolute Controllers Syntax

This version has been fine tuned for adding packages to Masonite. This version will come along with a new Masonite Billing package. The development of Masonite Billing has discovered some rough spots in package integrations. One of these rough spots were adding controllers that were not in the project. For example, Masonite Billing allows adding a controller that handles incoming Stripe webhooks. Although this was possible before this release, Masonite 1.6 has added a new syntax:

    # Old Syntax:
    Get().route('/url/here', 'Controller@show').module('billing.controllers')

    # New Syntax:
    Get().route('/url/here', '/billing.controllers.Controller@show')

Notice the new forward slash in the beginning where the string controller goes.

Changed How Controllers Are Created

Previously, controllers were created as they were specified. For example:

$ craft controller DashboardController

created a DashboardController. Now the "Controller" part of the controller is appended by default for you. Now we can just specify:

$ craft controller Dashboard

to create our DashboardController. You may was to actually just create a controller called Dashboard. We can do this by specifying a flag:

$ craft controller Dashboard -e

short for "exact"

Added Resource Controllers

It's also really good practice to create 1 controller per "action type." For example we might have a BlogController and a PostController. It's easy to not be sure what action should be in what controllers or what to name your actions. Now you can create a "Resource Controller" which will give you a list of actions such as show, store, create, update etc etc. If what you want to do does not fit with an action you have then you may want to consider making another controller (such as an AuthorController)

You can now create these Resource Controllers like:

craft controller Dashboard -r

Added Global Views

Just like the global controllers, some packages may require you to add a view that is located in their package (like the new exception debug view in 1.6) so you may now add views in different namespaces:

def show(self):
    return view('/masonite/views/index')

This will get a template that is located in the masonite package itself.

Added Route Groups

You can now group routes based on a specific string prefix. This will now look like:

from masonite.helpers.routes import get, group
    get('/home', ...)
    group('/dashboard', [
        get('/user', ...)

which will compile down into /dashboard/user and /dashboard/user/1

Changed Container Resolving

The container was one of the first features coded in the 1.x release line. For Masonite 1.6 we have revisited how the container resolves objects. Before this release you had to put all annotation classes in the back of the parameter list:

from masonite.request import Request

def show(self, Upload, request: Request):

If we put the annotation in the beginning it would have thrown an error because of how the container resolved.

Now we can put them in any order and the container will grab each one and resolve it.

from masonite.request import Request

def show(self, Upload, request: Request, Broadcast):

This will now work when previously it did not.

Resolving Instances

The container will now resolve instances of classes as well. It's a common paradigm to "code to an interface and not an implementation." Because of this paradigm, Masonite comes with contracts that act as interfaces but in addition to this, we can also resolve instances of classes.

For example, all Upload drivers inherit the UploadContract contract so we can simply resolve the UploadContract which will return an Upload Driver:

from masonite.contracts.UploadContract import UploadContract

def show(self, upload: UploadContract):

Notice here that we annotated an UploadContract but got back the actual upload driver.

Container Collection

You can now search the container and "collect" objects from it by key using the new collect method:


which will find all keys in the container such as SentryExceptionHook and SentryWebHook and make a new dictionary out of them.

Removed Some Dependencies

A complaint a few developers pointed out was that Masonite has too many dependencies. Masonite added Pusher, Ably and Boto3 packages by default which added a bit of overhead, especially if developers have no intentions on real time event broadcasting (which most applications probably won't). These dependencies have now been removed and will throw an exception if they are used without the required dependencies.

Framework Hooks

Masonite 1.6 + will slowly be rolling out various framework hooks. These hooks will allow developers and third party packages to integrate into various events that are fired throughout the framework. Currently there is the abilitity to tie into the exception hook which will call any objects loaded into the container whenever an exception is hit. This is great if you want to add things like Sentry into your project. Other hooks will be implemented such as View, Mail and Upload Hooks.

Last updated